Be in the zone. Anytime. anywhere.
Boost your brain functions for optimal performance.
To find the sweet spot of performance is to find the balance point between stress and effortless execution - between running on adrenaline and physiological relaxation.
Anxious distractedness or wandering attention during task execution is a stress hijack of performance. MyBrain|MyTrainer taps into your nervous system to allow you to relax and release any stress you bring to your performance.
MyBrain|MyTrainer retrains the brain to fire only when it needs to. The brain gets to control its stress response, when necessary, to optimize our stress resilience and adaptability. Regulating the fight-flight response is necessary to bring the autonomic nervous system back to balance.
Our peak performance program can help you in your personal, academic, sports and work life.
Some improvements commonly reported are:
increased ability to focus or block distractions
increased self-confidence
increased ability to deal with mistakes
improved emotional coping skills
improved problem-solving capacities
increased ability to learn new things
increased social confidence in social interaction
increased gravitas in meetings & presentations
increased energy
positive outlook
promote mindfulness
combat nervousness
enhanced effective use of sensorial system
enhanced creativity, mental imagery
thrives under pressure
We offer a 15-min complimentary phone consultation.
Let your goals come to life
“Life was meant to be lived everyday. Live it with passion, live it with joy, appreciate each moment of it and appreciate your brain and take care of it."
— Professor Jeanette Norden, Vanderbilt University of Medicine