
How well do you think and feel? How well do you manage your emotions and engage with others? The manner which you respond to day-to-day life demands and activities tell on your mental health.

While the science linking brain health with mental well-being is still developing, studies increasingly suggest  that a person’s mental well-being impacts his brain health and can influence people’s cognitive abilities as they age. 

Your mental well-being

is a reflection of your

brain functions.


MyBrain|MyTrainer is able to train the brain to rewire for better brain functions and so maintain its own healthy mental-states.

It can lead to less stress, better sleep, greater health, emotional resilience and also improve learning and memory.


Some improvements commonly reported are:

  • Improved sleep

  • Reduced anxiety

  • Better mood

  • Ability to laugh and relax

  • Increased socialisation

  • Increased resilience to stress

  • Increased adaptability and flexibility

  • Increased mental acuity (memory, focus, understanding, concentration)

We offer a 15-min complimentary phone consultation.